Public Works / MCAT

How do I get information on Bus maintenance – Fleet Services?

Field Maintenance (Public Works)

A tree is damaging sidewalk in front of my home. How do I report?
How do I get the weeds in my ditch sprayed?
How do I report a damaged catch basin?
How do I report a damaged sidewalk?
How do I report a pothole?
How do I report bridge damage?
How do I report curb damage?
How do I report faded lines on the road?
How do I report overgrown right-of-way?
How do I report trash dumped on the right-of-way?
How do I request a new guard rail be installed?
Low hanging trees are hitting my vehicle. How do I report this issue?
The road shoulder is eroding. How do I report this issue?

Project Management (Public Works)

How do I get my road repaved?
How do I request new sidewalk to be installed?
Where do I find information on Capital Improvement Projects?

PW Active Project

How do I get information on Assessments (Road, Sewer, etc.)?

PW New Traffic Lane

How do I request a new traffic lane?

PW Transit/MCAT

How do I get information on bus routes?
How do I get information on Bus Schedule – MCAT?

Traffic (Public Works)

How do I get a "no parking sign" in front of my home?
How do I get a speed table on my street?
How do I get streetlights installed in my neighborhood?
How do I report a school flasher bulb out?
How do I report a signal that is malfunctioning?
How do I report damage to a sign?
How do I request a new bike lane?
How do I request a new crosswalk?
How do I request a new sign be installed?
How do I request a new traffic signal?
How do I request a speed bump be installed on my street?
There is a streetlight out. How do I report for repair?
There is traffic congestion at this location. How do I report?
There should be a median along this road. How do I request a new one be installed?
This signal takes too long to change. Who do I report it to?

Can't find what you're looking for? Create a request for service